Tuesday, December 31, 2013

One Year Reflections

It's the last day of 2013, a year since my first post. Well, a lot has changed... A beloved pet died, older friends in Christ went to meet Jesus in heaven. I visited some dear relatives, a couple friends got married to each other; a cousin got married.

My family went to Oregon for a family reunion that left me with a powerful urge to go back to that lovely state.

My church is growing once again, praise Jesus! There are babies galore, and more on the way. 2 friends just announced they are expecting, a month apart. w00t!!!

God is so good to me. He showed me that He was my provider in ALL things over this past year. There were many occasions this year when I worried about money, but remembered that 'my God will supply all my needs'. Money appeared in my purse, a paycheck stretched farther than I ever thought it could, I got tips from customers (and the restaurant I work at is not one where customers normally tip!), I got extra hours at work, and many other things.

I learned afresh the grief of loss. But Jesus has sustained me.

What will next year bring? No one knows yet, but I am looking forward to seeing where God takes me next year.

Oh yeah - to CJM - happiest of birthdays to you my dear friend I am so blessed to have you in my life!!! God has so many awesome things in store for you this next year!!!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

God's Sense of Humor

 I went to church this morning. What a blessing it was. Then, when I went back to my seat to pick up my purse I found some folded money in my purse. Now, I knew exactly how much money I had in my wallet - $2.14 cash after getting a doughnut. And God, with His marvelous sense of humor, put it on someone's heart to drop that into my purse.

I love it.

Sunday Worship

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Today has been a very hard day. Our little black cat had been sick and then died today. I have bawled my eyes out over it. I loved that kitty - his personality more than filled the room.
'Snowflake' was just barely over a year old. He came to us as a waif-like stray in October 2012 & had struggled on and off at times with his health.

I am going to miss him sorely. From waking to Mom hollering because Blackie was wrapping himself around her ankles for the 15th time that morning... To his funny little half-questioning purr that he liked to use for a meow... To his not-so-endearing habit of sticking his claws in your rear end (while you were standing) just so he could stretch out...

My heart hurts, but I'm glad he's not in pain anymore.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday Worship/Musings

We sang this tonight... 'Tis a good one.

The Bible Study I attend just started a series on love with 1 Corinthians 13 as the text. It made me really think. That agape love is something that I sometimes struggle to show towards those that need it most.
Can we give up our need to control a situation? And be patient (endure) to the end...

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Room For One More... Review/Ramblings

Room For One More is written by Anna Maria Rose Wright (or Anna Perrott Rose). Both names are the same lady, she used one name for most of her children's books, but the other was used for her writings on fostering children.
C/o Amazon.com

RFOM was published in 1949. It is a non-fiction, autobiographical work about the author's experiences taking in foster children in the 1930's. She and her husband had 3 biological children (2 girls and a boy) and took in 3 more (2 boys and a girl). Mrs. Wright has a wryly humorous wit, and a great deal of common sense in regards to child-rearing. She says at one point, "I hope I have an ear for children." (Regarding their raising, etc.)

She and her husband were not wealthy by any means, the Depression took care of that. But they had big hearts and took in other children besides the 3 that stayed. And in doing so - they only did what they had grown up with. Both sides had experienced, as children, the adults in their lives taking in children who just needed a home.

Mrs. Wright said, "All my life, people have thought me a liar because I always become involved in unbelievable things." She goes on to tell one instance where a turtle she raised had drowned. (Apparently it is possible. The NY Zoological Society at the Bronx Zoo confirmed it!)

I found out about this book through another of her writings, "Land of Silence" which I inherited from my dad's library. Ever since the first time I got "Room For One More" from the library, it's been a frequent visitor in my hands and I laugh each time I read the funny bits and cry a little at the sad parts.

Currently, it's out of print and somewhat expensive from Amazon. (Her other books, however, command much higher prices!)

If you can find this book - get it! You won't regret it!

Winter snows


My mom is of the philosophy that if it's cold outside, there should be snow on the ground. I agree, more for the fact that, as a gardener, snow insulates the ground from excess freezing.

And best of all? I got off from work today! My boss is awesome!

Winter in my state is insane... Wednesday it was 22 with a windchill of 9 at 6 pm. There was a cold advisory that night. Friday it was sunny and in the mid 30's. Last night around 7 pm it started snowing and - as far as I can tell, hasn't stopped since!

As my brother once put it, Indiana weather is bi-polar. (Not a nice way to put it, but certainly accurate.) We can have 30-40 degree temp. swings in an afternoon!
Our pine tree with a heavy load - 2009

the snow covered fence - 2008

Grasses in winter, inverted to negative, whirlpool
When I went out at 1 pm Saturday it was raining - and it continued until late in the afternoon. Then it froze again... The result? An icy mess on residential streets.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

New Beginnings/Sunday Worship

It's Sunday December 8, 2013. In just a few short hours my church is going to have its first regular meeting at the new building.

It's not fancy, but it's roomy with room to grow.

New beginnings for us all. God is surely working, and I cannot wait to see what is next for our little body of believers in Jesus.

Monday, December 2, 2013

For Miss Elaini

I have listed 19 books and 1 DVD on Amazon to sell. The money from them, and others wating to be listed will go to Miss Elaini and her orphans in India. On Sunday night after Bible study, I was talking to my dear friend CJM and I had the strong impression that THIS was what I needed to do with the proceeds.

We has a very challenging (to me at least) discussion on what the First Fruits mean in our lives as Christians, among one of the topics of discussion was tithing. How it's a 10th of your income, etc. I was challenged by M.R. (one of the young men who leads my group) about how most people usually tithe from their take home pay. But shouldn't we be tithing from our gross income? I want to follow God on that.

Back to my subject. I am praying, and dedicating the money from the sale of these books to Miss Elaini's project.

May the Lord Jesus challenge you as He has me.
I cannot wait to see where this takes me.

In Christ,