
Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Unloved... Do You Hide From Them?

    I've been reading a blog, it is 1 family's story of adopting from Kazakhstan & Kyrgyzstan. And I am asking myself, really digging deep and asking, 'Could I open my heart like that? Waiting YEARS to bring home children?'  The heartbreak of RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder) & just how quickly the hurt can come. I'm so glad for the honesty that Mrs. LaJoy has  link here = LaJoyFamily blog
The cost of international adoptions are astronomical. Now Russia has closed its doors to US adoptions. These children are, as Mrs. LaJoy put it, basically imprisoned. This song speaks to my heart about this subject. Give Me Your Eyes - Brandon Heath 

Oh, that we would allow God to give us His eyes for even just a second!!!

I may be single, but I love children, & my heart aches for them when they are in less than ideal situations. 

The foster system in my own country is all jumbled. I have a dear friend who was fostered until 18, when her foster parents were finally able to adopt her. At one point this gorgeous girl looked at me and said, "I haven't seen my brother in 10 years." (At that time she was about 17-18.) 

I know God put this sweet friend of mine into my life for a very good reason..... So that I would know, and be able to have compassion for, the foster children, orphans, and so many others who are invisible to the world's eyes. 

Miss Elaini' ous has a passion & heart for orphans in India. Go back and read through her blog archives. She may not be able to travel, but she has God's heart for the orphans.

Please - take a few minutes and pray for the orphans, foster children, and any in need. 

 Shared with:
 Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for linking to to my blog, and more importantly, for letting me know that your life has been touched by our family's story :-)
