Wow! What a crazy month it's been for me. I wrote in an earlier post that I started back at my restaurant job at the beginning of March and got hired at a warehouse close to home about a week later.
On the 13th of this month I was asked if I would like to come on full time at the warehouse. I said yes, but I need to give some notice to the restaurant. Talked with the manager there, and he said a week's notice (just work out what I was scheduled for) would be fine.
So, this past Monday I began full time work at the warehouse. My biggest challenge is going to be adjusting my sleep schedule to get enough, so as to not get sick all the time.
Along with that, I have a small yard work job that is kind of 'on the side' that I'm going to try to do at least once a week.
May 1st, a dear friend is getting married. I am going to be making fruit salad for her reception. Enough for 200 or so!
The daffs are about done.
Tulips are in full swing though. My neighbor has some purple feather edged ones up right now.
Looking forward to May, excited for my friends, happy to see my beloved Nana again soon.